Friday, January 13, 2006

you're my pride and joy etc

Soundtrack: The Tubes - White Punks on Dope

I'm not doing well. I've ruined one of my resolutions already. It looks like we're not moving to Ealing now. There's as many reasons to do it as there are to not do it, and unfortunately common sense has prevailed and made us realise we can't really get what we want for our budget. I'm very sad about it, as Ealing seemed lovely, if only because it had two waffle shops. I'm sure it's not forever, it's just not do-able right right now. :(

So I remain in Datchet, which is nearer to Windsor than Slough, and not in Slough, honest. I like Datchet (and Windsor, and Slough), so I'm not particularly sad. But it will be hard getting used to the fact that I'm staying in a sleepy village whose last train from London is at 11, compared to the bustling life Ealing had to offer.

I was just checking the blog stats, and was amused to see that someone came here when seaching for 'Please bomb Slough'. Please don't. At least wait until I've bid it adieu.


  1. Here in Croydon there were rumours that we were going to get bombed. I thought it would be pretty cool, but my friends told me off. What if one of my friends was hurt, wouldn't I feel bad?

    I guess... But our last train from London is at about 11:30. However, the night buses so it 24/7! Yeah!

  2. there was a bomb found in the restroom at a nearby starbucks, but it turned out to be a corroded flashlight. exciting.

  3. Anonymous01:14

    please bomb slough is the name of the new lucky luke single!

  4. I love looking at what search terms drive people to my site. "dog licking" was one of the most peculiar ones. I should mention that no dog licking actually look place but those words did once appear on the same page...

    Did you say you actually like Slough? Sorry but it's a dump. Windsor -and Datchet I believe- however are quite nice. :-)

  5. Please could you do me a favour and tell me how to check blog stats as mentioned? I have been wanting to do this for ages but can't work it out myself. Cheers.

  6. Hi Purlpower, you either need access to the server logs or to install a tracker button like Extreme Tracking
